
Committees are established by the NZFMA Board for the purpose of assisting the NZFMA achieve one or more of its Objects, as detailed in the NZFMA's Rules of Association, and typically focus on supporting the NZFMA to deliver the following:

  • promoting and assisting the maintenance, reform and development in New Zealand of competitive and resilient wholesale financial markets that operate in a fair and efficient manner;
  • promoting and assisting professionalism in the conduct of business in New Zealand's wholesale financial markets, including through facilitating the development and maintenance of common conventions and guidance that support efficient and ethical practices by Members, and maintaining a repository of standard market documentation;
  • promoting high professional standards in New Zealand's wholesale financial markets by co-ordinating the delivery of fit-for-purpose education programmes to any appropriate individuals, and awarding accreditation by the Association to employees of Member organisations who reach a required level of professional skill and knowledge; and
  • advocating on matters of common interest to Members which are relevant to the good reputation and efficient operation of New Zealand's wholesale financial markets and their regulation by government and regulatory authorities. 

The role, purpose and operational details of all NZFMA Committees are documented in Terms of Reference for each Committee.  

The Board has established the following Committees:

  • NZFMA Accreditation and Education Committee
  • NZFMA Debt Capital Markets Committee
  • NZFMA Foreign Exchange Committee
  • NZFMA Operations Committee
  • NZFMA Rates Committee

Terms of Reference documents can be accessed using the links below:

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