
2 April 2024

Workshop Synopsis:

  • A two-day workshop for operations professionals to develop or refresh their knowledge of the fundamentals of financial markets.
  • An overview of financial markets, including understanding the role of financial markets, how they operate, and the key participants and their roles.
  • Presentations on financial markets products and processes will be reinforced through a series of simulated market scenarios.

7 December 2023

The New Zealand Financial Markets Association (NZFMA) invites submissions on proposed changes to the NZFMA Business Day Definition and adoption of a single financial centre calendar for transactions and settlements in New Zealand’s wholesale financial markets.

12 January 2023

This workshop is facilitated by Kevin O'Reilly of FXware and will be held over four days in Wellington (14-17 March) and Auckland (21-24 March).

The workshop utilises a purpose-built trading simulation platform as well as extensive performance reporting. The workshop participants undertake a series of increasingly challenging trading simulations that are customised to create a realistic financial markets wholesale trading experience. For more information read here

3 November 2021

The NZFMA's Rates Committee recently initiated a review of the terms to maturity and market parcels for New Zealand Government Bonds and New Zealand Inflation Indexed Bonds and made some changes.

19 July 2021

The New Zealand Financial Benchmark Facility (NZFBF) launched its website today. The website contains information relating to the administration...

20 May 2021

Following consultation the NZFMA is introducing conventions for RFR/RFR Cross Currency Basis Swap.The updated conventions can be found HERE

28 April 2021

NZFMA has made two changes to the Operating Rules & Principles for BKBM. Read more

30 March 2021

The New Zealand Financial Markets Association (NZFMA) recently consulted on a proposal to change the format of the Credit Market closing rates (NZNG) from yield to a clean price. Results of that consultation are now available.

15 January 2021

The New Zealand Financial Markets Association are consulting on a proposal to change the format of the Credit Market closing rates (NZNG) from yield to a clean price. Read more...


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Data Summary

RATES as at 26/07/2024
Delayed Data

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