Annual Subscription Charges

the NZFMA's NZdata Service collects, calculates and publishes the following rates on a fee liable basis:

  • NZ Bank Bill Reference Rate
  • NZD/USD Basis Swap Closes
  • NZ Swap Market Closes
  • NZ Government Bond Market Closes
  • NZ Overnight Indexed Swap Closes
  • NZ Credit Market Pricing Service
  • NZ OCR Compound Index

A subscriber to the above reference rates and pricing pages on the NZFMA's NZdata Service can access the data via vendors' screens, direct xml feed (by arrangement), or automatic email sent to the subscriber at the time of publication. The Service is provided as a total package with subscribers having access to all published rates.

A Site Licence allows the subscriber to view NZdata at multiple locations within one country (NZ and Australia classed as one country for licensing purposes), and a global licence allows the subscriber to view NZdata at unlimited sites globally. A "Bank" licence applies to all organisations engaged in wholesale, investment, commercial or retail banking activities.

The annual subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March, and pricing of the service for the 2024/25 year is as follows -


Licence Type

Non-NZFMA Member

NZFMA Member



NZ $8,229

NZ $5,878



NZ $16,460

NZ $11,756



NZ $3,078

NZ $2,053



NZ $6,156

NZ $4,104


Casual Data Requests (10 max)

NZ $150

NZ $150

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