Membership Categories

Financial Markets Member

Organisations that are direct participants in the wholesale banking and financial markets in New Zealand. Membership criteria: Must be a bank registered in New Zealand and active in the NZ wholesale financial market.

International Member

Offshore based banks active in the New Zealand wholesale financial market. Membership criteria: Must be a bank registered in its country of operation by the appropriate regulatory authority, and must be an active participant in the NZ wholesale financial market.

Financial Intermediary Member

Organisations that provide financial intermediary services to the wholesale or retail sector. Membership criteria: Must be a derivatives issuer licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, who are registered with the New Zealand Companies Office and who conduct their business from a premise based in New Zealand.

Partner Member

Membership criteria: Organisations that provide professional services to wholesale financial markets participants.

Affiliate Member

Membership criteria: Organisations associated with NZFMA such as regulatory bodies, international associations and government agencies. Membership by invitation from NZFMA.

Go to the list of current NZFMA Members

Contact the NZFMA office for further information and membership application form.

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